Filger is a PHP plugin for TinyMCE 5 that helps you upload and manage your files on website.   Download on GitHub





PHP 5.6 or higher is required for Filger to work properly. As for other PHP extensions, XSL and Gettext are required.

Basic Installation

  1. Unpack the zip file and upload it to your web server. For example: /www/filger/
  2. Open /www/filger/assets/xml/config.xml in your favorite text editor and configure it exactly as you might want it.
  3. Open the Filger in a browser. For example: http://localhost/filger/.
  4. Filger offers you download jQuery File Upload. Follow the instructions in the installer, it will download and unzip the jQuery File Upload archive for you.

You can translate Filger to your language. Copy /www/filger/locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/default.po to /www/filger/locale/<your locale>/LC_MESSAGES/default.po and translate it with Poedit then change language in include/config.php.



	selector: 'textarea.tinymce'
	,height: 300
	,plugins: ['link image code']
	,toolbar: 'link image | code'
	,external_plugins: {
		'filger': '{filger url}/assets/js/filger.tinymce.plugin.js'




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